SALVO from Pop Culture Press
Greetings pop enthusiasts, rock and rollers, loyal readers, friends and colleagues, maybe a stray dog or two--
It's your old friend Pop Culture Press, with a long overdue update. Thanks to some crazy hard work by far too many people to name, PCP published for 20-plus years in the print realm. In magazine years, that's like, um, 280, or something. It was work from the heart, though, for the love of the music and the excitement it generated everywhere, and for the encouraging words and endless kindnesses extended by bands, musicians, readers, record labels, friends, and, well, you name it.
But, all good things come to an end, and a glimpse of the "music business" and the "publishing business" as they exist circa 2010 (versus, say 1987) indicates, well, changes afoot. Ha ha ha ha! Anyway, as you already know, I think, issue # 66, Nick Cave on the cover, closed the book on that particular chapter. As much as we'd like to spend our remaining years hanging out with certain of our former swindlers, I mean distributors, telling funny bankruptcy stories and guffawing about the slippery slide of all those alternative media hippies into oblivion, I'd say our time would be much better spent cranking up the music delivery device of our choice, inundating ourselves in sound, actually, and putting a few thoughtful, hopefully insightful, words on its behalf out into cyberspace.
So, a big hearty welcome to the PCP blogspot ( We'll be digging through the extensive archives for the best of PCP past and Luke's freelance cache, as well as going nowtro, pawing through new releases and bands for the best bits of power pop, indie rock, garage bands, folk, blues, country and alt-country, and plenty of older, off-the-radar music and reissues. And we'll be a stepping stone of sorts to PCP's more extensive website still to come.
Please drop us a line in the comments sections, and thanks as ever.
PS--Photo at right: Cyril Jordan, Eddie Munoz, and Paul Kopf of Magic Christian, Pop Culture Press Party March 2008, Dog & Duck Pub, Austin, Texas (photo courtesy of Kent Benjamin)
Luke, hopefully going blogger will be healthier and more interactive; that is, I am more likely to visit a blog and reply to a discussion than I am likely to do same with a magazine or a 'news oriented' site.
Thanks, Hans!
Yes, I can't imagine anything unhealthier than the print industry right now. Much less overhead, much more freedom. Thanks for coming to the opening . . .
Well THIS is another thing to be thankful for, innit?
welcome back-- is louann williams still affiliated with pcp? r guin zillman
I'm a old reader of your magazine from Greece. I have most issues, I think I stopped around #62. Is there a chance forme to order the remaining issues I'm missing? I think I used to talk to a girl named Luann Williams or something like that... My email is
v m a t s a s @ h o t m a i l.c o m
thank you
Miss the magazine and discs a great deal. I discovered some great music in there. Thanks for getting a blog started and good luck with it. I will check back often...
Hey Luke - this is Brit, formerly of Stickpony. Shannon Rierson and I have a band kicking off called Austerity Measures - we're just about to release our first record. I was wondering how to get a one sheet and a copy of the CD to you in the event you're interested having it reviewed. You can contact us at Thanks - glad to see you're up and running.
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